Wednesday 9 December 2009

Does this mean I've finally made it?

Move over, Mel Gibson et al, and make room for me to join you - I've acquired my very own stalker!

Stop laughing, you lot, I'm serious.

I've learned that there is an individual lurking in the cybershadows and hanging on my every word. They haven't added me to their "following" list or commented on any of my posts, presumably to retain their anonymity. This is no figment of my imagination, however, as they have made clear through a mutual acquaintance that I'm under constant scrutiny. As they would know that this would be rapidly passed on to me, I'd have thought that rather undermines any attempt at concealment, but...

If anybody really cares to know more, do check my other blog to find the identity of my stalker - and, with no punches pulled, what I really think about this.

A stalker, ye gods! Gosh, isn't it exciting?

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